Fatima Roman » School Counselors

School Counselors

Hello, I am Ms. Roman, the 11th-grade counselor at Palmdale Academy Charter School. My education includes a dual Bachelor's degree in Education and Chicano/Latino Studies from UC Irvine and a Masters Degree in Educational Counseling with a PPS Credential from the University of La Verne. Before working at P.A.C.S., I worked as a guidance technician, substitute teacher, A.V.I.D. tutor, and instructional aide over the past ten years. As the 11th-grade counselor, I help your student(s) with any social/emotional, academic, and career/college concerns. My goal is to help our students thrive throughout their educational careers and pursue whichever post-high-school pathway they want to take.


Office Hours: 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.